Mormon Boyz: Elder Stevens

mormon boyz elder stevens
Elder Stevens is the sort of Elder MB has heard from a lot lately. He’s a missionary who thinks doing some work in the adult industry, “is awesome!”
Well, in the case of Elder Stevens, he’d already done porn!
“Yeah, I was in porn for a few years before I joined the church. I worked with several big names and was on the cover of some DVDs.”

mormon boyz elder stevens
He was just so casual about it, MB had to laugh. He had already informed MB of his fascinating past, but MB didn’t have any of the details. So he started by asking how long he’d been a member of the LDS church?
“I was baptized as a Mormon almost two years ago. At the time, I had a few addictions, and I was doing “gay for pay” work to fund some of my habits. Yeah, so I wasn’t in the best place. And I guess my decision might not make sense.”

Jul 30, 2010 By Dave 9 Comments

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