Gratuitous Post Of The Day – Dan Osborne’s Bulge

Dan Osborne's Bulge
So Dan Osborne decided to wake everyone’s collective bulge consciousness on the red carpet for the premier of ‘Expendables 3.’ We came across his gratuitous pantsy lumps again and again over the past few days. But no one gave it the proper treatment it deserves. So here you go. Dan Osborne’s bulge – zoomed and tiled.

Dan Osborne's Bulge
Dan Osborne's Bulge
Dan Osborne's Bulge
Dun you wanna play scratch ‘n sniff? He must know we know he did it on purpose right? We hope he got through the rest of the evening without a pee stain.
Want more? We have a whole board of Dan Osborne’s hotness over at Pinterest.
(via Sticky)

Aug 11, 2014 By Editor D 3 Comments