QC Open Forum: Are You A ManSpreader?

QC Open Forum: Are You A ManSpreader?

Chances are that if you use public transportation you either have seen this practice or you have done it. There’s something irresistible to some men that compels them to spread their legs apart the moment their butts touches the seat to impossible limits. It sure makes for a great view or even a silent form of communication for “solicitation” but it could be quite rude to other passengers considering the limited leg space of the trains, buses, plains and other mediums of transport.

There’s a campaign to stop manspreading and even The Daily Show has hilariously addressed the problem, proof of this is the growing hashtag #manspreading on instagram that features some really great gems. We are all in favour of politeness in the public space but considering that we love people watching and specially love bulge spotting at metro stations we are not sure if we can get behind a ban on this practice.

We ask you QC reader are you a “manspreader”? Make the jump to check a great set of manspreaders and then tell us your thoughts in the comments!

QC Open Forum: Are You A ManSpreader?QC Open Forum: Are You A ManSpreader?QC Open Forum: Are You A ManSpreader?

h/t: Inquisitr

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