QC’s 9 Weirdest Types Of Sexual Arousal

QC's 9 Weirdest Types Of Sexual Arousal

The other day we discussed a very interesting topic in a QC Open Forum post where a man tried to see what happened when an angry mob of ants was pitted against his genitals that left many QC readers scratching their heads and maybe in some cases a little turned on. Formicophilia gave us nightmares for a few days but it left us wondering what others types of paraphilias are out there that we don’t know much of and it turns out we have found more than plenty. Without passing judgement on the men who derive their sexual satisfaction in these unusual ways, we have to say humans never cease so amaze us with their behaviors when it comes to getting off. Have you heard about these types of sexual arousal? Do you practice any of them? We look forward to hear your reactions. Tell us in the comments!

1. Autovampirism: Sure we all have heard about Vampirism, but this one is pretty specific. It refers the image of one’s self in the form of a vampire and sometimes involves, but not as a necessarily condition, ingesting or seeing one’s own blood, which is a separate paraphilia all by it self called “Hematolagnia”.

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2. Dacryphilia: A form of paraphilia in which one is aroused by tears or sobbing. The arousal is achieved when viewing a person in emotional distress. It carries the theme where a person (often a Top in a BDSM relationship) induces another (the bottom) to cry.

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3. Dendrophilia:It literally means “love of trees” A paraphilia in which people are sexually attracted to or sexually aroused by trees. This may involve sexual contact or veneration as phallic symbols or both.

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4. Feederism: The sexual gratification is obtained via the process of gaining, or helping others gain, body fat.

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5. Forniphilia: An extreme form of bondage and sexual objectification in which a person’s body is incorporated into a chair, table, cabinet or other piece of furniture and is expected to stay immobile, usually tightly bound, for a prolonged period.

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6. Hoplophilia: Sexual stimulation or arousal caused by physical or close contact with a firearm.

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7. Oculolinctus: The practice of licking eyeballs for erotic gratification. Not long ago sensationalist media outlets tried to spread the false news that “eyeball licking play” or Gankyū name purei as it is known in Japan, was the cause of an alarming rise in the number of infections.

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8. Liquidophilia: The specific fetish of getting a sexual arousal by immersing genitals in different kinds of liquids.

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9. Pyrophilia: Not to be confused with Pyromania, this uncommon paraphilia involves deriving arousal primarily from setting or watching fire as a masturbatory aid and sexual gratification may not need to involve actual fire as fantasies or talk of setting a fire serves the same purpose. To give you an idea here’s an example from literary fiction, the Mad King Aerys Targaryen from George R.R. Martin’s novel series A Song of Ice and Fire, shows symptoms of Pyrophilia AND Pyromania.

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h/t: Wikipedia

If you are planning to try some of the practices listed on the post above please give it some extra careful thought. QC does not encourage any sort of practice where you can put your genitals in danger!

Jun 22, 2015 By G. 7 Comments