Sergey Lazarev, Russia Eurovision Contestant, Naked Butt Surfaces Online!


Some lewd images from the Russian representative to Eurovision this year have sparked controversy after they surfaced online! Singer Sergey Lazarev, who has been referred to by the media as “LGBT-positive” did a racy photoshoot back in 2008 where he not only posed naked with his butt prominently displayed but featured in a bizarre and disturbing setting where Sergey, who is now 33 years old, was threatening a handcuffed-to-a-radiatior woman by putting a saw near her throat.

It’s been reported that Russian authorities (unsuccessfully) tried to erase the evidence of these photographs from the internet and Moscow officials were “furious” with the singer (who has criticized the anti-gay views of his own country) after discovering the existence of these “remnants” of Lazarev’s alleged past career in pornography. Streissand effect notwithstanding the singer completed his appearance on the multinational singing contest and his media team (aka a spokesperson from the Kremlin) went into full damage control by trying to give the photos a hard to believe spin saying that the photographs were not created to glamorize domestic violence but to spark conversation on domestic abuse.

Make the jump to see the naked photos of Russian singer, and Eurovision contestant, Sergey Lazarev and lets us know what your thoughts are on his explanation in the comments!

h/t: DailyMail


May 16, 2016 By G. 3 Comments