QC FYI: Gay Men Have Lower Personal Incomes

Is the Euro really this gay?
Wow… is the Euro really this gay? If so, we want to get jobs in Europe and demand to be paid in 600 Euro marks every payday. Hopefully the weiners aren’t edited out in Europe. Or maybe this bill is only used in the gay parts of Europe, like Fbuttphlugg and Mannsylvania.
In what seems to be the first study of differing economics based on sexual orientation, a new study in the Canadian Journal of Economics found that gay men have 12 percent lower personal incomes and lesbians have 15 percent higher personal incomes than heterosexual men and women.
You can read the article, but sadly it sheds little light on the methodology or analysis. For example, we wonder what they mean by “personal incomes” (cash made from pole dancing and blowjobs? the amount in the bank after paying for porn?). Also, did all the participants in the study identify themselves as gay or did they just ask their co-workers “Who’s the gayest person in this office?” And does this indicate that gays are being slighted in their paychecks or does it just mean that lesbians drive a harder bargain?
What do you think?

Nov 03, 2008 By paperbagwriter 8 Comments