Queer Clicks: November 13, 2016 | Porn Stars Fear Life Under President Trump And VP Pence , Michael Stokes Shows Us the Heroic Beauty of Veterans in ‘Invictus’ , & Other News

Michael Stokes

Porn Stars Fear Life Under President Trump And VP Pence

“Uncertainty ripples through the adult entertainment industry—even after a monumental triumph. Victorious in their defeat of Prop 60, which would have required condom use statewide and financially incentivized California citizens to sue anyone involved in the creation or distribution of a XXX scene without visible latex, Donald Trump’s ascension to power may signal bigger issues for the adult industry—especially if the GOP follows through with their party platform.” The Daily Beast

What is Conversion Therapy? Inside The Controversial ‘Gay Cure’ Mike Pence Says He Supports

“When news spread that Vice President-Elect Mike Pence supports conversion therapy, two questions arose from many people in the United States: Did Pence really say that, and what is conversion therapy?” Inquisitr

Chengdu, Is It The Queer Capital Of China?

“Have you considered traveling to China? All we hear about this massive nation is economics, trade, and iPhone construction. We do not hear about China (or #Jhina) in regard to human rights, equal rights, or LGBT rights. We know it does not have marriage equality since no nation in Asia does currently (Taiwanese Lawmakers Currently Working On 3 Bills In Support Of Marriage Equality- Would be first nation on Asia to do so). So can there be a gay mecca in China? There has to be one city in that vast nation that is moving forward with LGBT rights, right?” Instinct Magazine

Michael Stokes Shows Us the Heroic Beauty of Veterans in ‘Invictus’

“Beyond the polished technique and incomparable beauty of Michael Stokes’s images of wounded veterans is the emotional impact of their stories. These are more than photographs, they are collaborations about hope and survival. The veterans are not just nude, they are in their glory in the most spiritual sense of the word. And the out artist is again using Kickstarter to fund a book that makes visible the effects of war and the sacrifices of heroism.” Advocate

Nov 13, 2016 By Dave 3 Comments