Hanging Asian Hottie

Hanging Asian Hottie
Look at this Asian hottie. He’s got such a big dang-dang down there, and the hanging balls. Don’t they just make your mouths watering? Bet they’re all delicious…

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12 Jul 08 By Laam 2 Comments

Massimo Poggio Bathing in Stream

Massimo Poggio Bathing in Stream
Italian actor Massimo Poggio bathed in a stream in his film “Rosa and Cornelia”. The camera wasn’t shy to catch all his figures, back and front!
在電影”Rosa and Cornelia”中,義大利男演員Massimo Poggio在一條小溪中沐浴,從后到前,一覽無遺……
Via Sticky #8943.

10 Jul 08 By Laam Write a comment!

“So You Think You Can Model” Semi Finals

So You Think You Can Model Semi Finals
The “Midnight Shift Nightclub” in Sydney has been looking for a Hot Boy to send to Tokyo to strut his stuff on the catwalk. Here are some of the hot boys so far.
悉尼夜店”Midnight Shift”組織了一場模特兒選拔賽,優勝者將被送去東京開始他的T台生涯,上面就是其中的一些參賽者。
Via Sticky #8935.

09 Jul 08 By Laam Write a comment!

Cute Asian Vest Boy

Cute Asian Vest Boy
Cute Asian sunshine is posing in his vest, we loved him when we first saw him.

09 Jul 08 By Laam 5 Comments

Japanese Man in Suit

Japanese Man in Suit
A Japanese man in suit shows off his cute cock and strokes it until the white milk come out! Hot!

08 Jul 08 By Laam Write a comment!