Sticky Giveaway No.4 Now Open!


Dear Sticky Premium Family Members, it’s time for our weekly Sticky Giveaway, our 4th to be exact. This week, we’re giving away Michael Hoffman’s latest video. Dude is getting more and more tatted up he’s running outta skin! Thankfully his bubble butt cheeks are spared (so far)!

In this video (it’s 1.73GB in size so it’s mega and at full HD), you’ll get to admire MH up close. The prize in the pudding (pardon the pun) is right at the end of the video where he eats his own cum + then treats us to some puckerhole-digging action. We’re suckers for straight guys who don’t shy away from some healthy ass-play.

And cos we love you so much, we’re throwing in a BONUS VIDEO which will make a sweet pairing to Video No.1. We won’t tell you the contents as we wanna keep it a surprise. 🙂

See you over at Sticky!

21 Nov 15 By Editor D 1 Comment