Chaos Men: Kirk and Vander – RAW (Bossy)

Chaos Men: Kirk and Vander - RAW (Bossy)
If you are not fan of Sounding then don’t worry, the site isn’t turning into a crazy fetish site. But Bryan does want to spice up some of the shoots, and since Bryan has a few guys that like some fetish stuff, Bryan thought he would give it a go. Bryan always likes to think of this stuff as “fetish with training wheels” as no one is really skilled or used to doing this stuff, and they don’t delve too far into it.

Chaos Men: Kirk and Vander - RAW (Bossy)
Kirk has a deep submissive streak, and Vander likes anything out of the ordinary. He was a bit more tentative in this video, as it was both their first time using the sounds. Kirk was excited. He didn’t think he would have any trouble since he has a rather large gauge PA piercing.
The both took is slow, but both were clearly turned on by the experimentation. Vander did try the extra large vibrating sound, but found it just wouldn’t go in, everything but sound itself being too slippery.

Feb 15, 2013 By Jo 5 Comments

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