Berlin Male

There are 88 posts for Berlin Male, the oldest from July 7, 2005.

Christian at

Christian at
Christian just turned 24 years and is curently learning to be a banker. He came round at for his shooting after work, still in suits and tie which made him look very hot. He loves to show off his big tool and that is exactly what he does in this set. Watch out for more of him and his friend Duane (who has been featured on Berlin-Male before) in a hot action set cumming up soon. In the meantime, watch this beautiful guy at…

29 Jul 07 By aaron 3 Comments

Mario at

Sure he’s cute and all… but holy shit does this boy have a big, solid dick. I think he wins the biggest cock of the day award! Just 19 years old, Mario originally hails from Krakow in Poland and currently lives in Berlin-Charlottenburg. He is gay and prefers to be on top (thank god). In his spare time he likes taking a walk with his doggie, meeting Friends or going to the “Busche”, a famous club in Berlin for younger queerboys. Check out all of Mario at and then go book your flight to Germany…

18 May 07 By redmonkey Write a comment!