There are 644 posts for, the oldest from June 6, 2010. Ed’s Athletic Club Naked Physical Ed's Athletic Club Naked Physical

At, posh boy Ed Lucas assumes he’ll immediately be admitted to the rowing club based on his lineage and athletic abilities. The senior club members immediately take control and demand he surrender his clothes.

The lad sheepishly complies even when it comes down to stripping off his skivvies. James and Toby swiftly take control of his body examining him from the front and behind.
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10 Mar 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Prisoner’s Anal Inspection in the Courtroom at

Prisoner’s Anal Inspection in the Courtroom at

At, Not only is Robert being ordered by a judge to model provocative gear which totally exposes him to everyone in the room, but the guards order him to pose in humiliating positions with a cock in his face.

Now photographs of his debasement are part of the permanent court record. This angry young man’s worst fears come true as the men bend him over to penetrate his virgin anus. While the guards restrain him Robert has no way of stopping his arse being used in any way these perverted gentlemen desire.
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24 Feb 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Delinquent Robert Exposed and Exploited in Court at

Delinquent Robert Exposed and Exploited in Court at

At, furious delinquent Robert must stand naked before these officials while his penis and testicles are scrutinized. Acting out will only land him in more hot water. He knows these men are taking advantage of him, but these men have all the authority and can do whatever perverted and humiliating things they wish to his muscular young body.
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10 Feb 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Angry Young Man Mike Ordered to Kiss a Man’s Ass at

Angry Young Man Mike Ordered to Kiss a Man’s Ass at

At, Mike’s social media training is coming along nicely as the instructor and Dave manhandle him into the most revealing positions whilst plundering his tight virgin ass. The cocky lad is now very subdued and obedient as they roughly lead him into ever more degrading situations.

Unfortunately for him, he has no option but to obey these fully-clothed men if he wants to continue claiming benefits.

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20 Jan 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Exposing Tough Lad Mike on the Internet at

Exposing Tough Lad Mike on the Internet at

At, with his manipulated cock straining in his pants it’s highlighted just how hard he’s become as that underwear is soaked in water. Mike feels both aroused and ashamed by suddenly being made the centre of attention with his exposed body being filmed in intimate detail.

Natural exhibitionists like this have real money making star potential! If only he can get over the total loss of his dignity!
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06 Jan 23 By Dave 3 Comments

Measuring Mechanic Aaron’s Penis at

Measuring Mechanic Aaron’s Penis at

At, Aaron’s disgruntled boss and colleagues are thrilled with this opportunity to placate an irate customer by comparing the sexy lad’s exposed ass and genitals with photos of naughty imprints left on his car windows.

The crushing shame of this intimate inspection increases as the men get more and more familiar with the most intimate parts of his body! And they are determined to take things further…
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30 Dec 22 By Dave 1 Comment

New Video of Bullying Mechanics at

New Video of Bullying Mechanics at

At, the fellas working at this garage are fed up with Aaron’s antics and now a hellbent customer is demanding compensation. This is an opportunity for these guys to get their revenge by stripping the sexy tousle-haired mechanic naked and utterly humiliating him! If Aaron wants to keep his job he must comply – even if it means presenting his arse to these vindictive men!
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16 Dec 22 By Dave 1 Comment

Sexy New Lifeguard Milked in Gym Initiation at

Sexy New Lifeguard Milked in Gym Initiation at

At, Leon doesn’t know how much more of this sexually humiliating treatment he can take, but if he leaves now he’ll lose the job and all his financial security. What’s more he can feel his cock becoming hard while being pinned naked between all the demanding men and having his g-spot continuously stimulated.

It’s a blow to his masculine pride that a group of jeering fellas can bring him off like this, but they’ve successfully taken complete control of his cock!
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09 Dec 22 By Dave 1 Comment

Naughty Boys Stripped by the Headmaster at

Naughty Boys Stripped by the Headmaster at

At, Vincent’s backtalk has tried the headmaster’s patience and now he is going to be stripped naked and disciplined alongside his friend. As a proud athletic man he finds it difficult to accept defeat, but he knows he has no choice but to allow the headmaster, his teacher and the head boy to do whatever they want or the consequences will be very severe.

His tight virgin arsehole is fully exposed for inspection and sniffing. The mortified rude boys look down in shame at being so exposed and used.
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02 Dec 22 By Dave 1 Comment

Dominated by a Gang of Lifeguards at

Dominated by a Gang of Lifeguards at

At, Leon is shocked to feel the controlling lifeguards probing his arsehole. This is the most degrading thing that’s ever happened to him and they all act as if his naked humiliation is part of his new job!

So when the boss intrudes upon the proceedings he initially feels overcome with relief, but the suited man has got a plan to use this star lifeguard in a way which will really satisfy the customers…
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25 Nov 22 By Dave 1 Comment