Profile Picture Myles Landon

Myles Landon

There are 48 posts for Myles Landon, the oldest from July 7, 2017.

MormonBoyz: Elder Addison – Initiation

MormonBoyz: Elder Addison - Initiation

Rumors have been going around the Order about Elder Addison‘s behavior. The handsome young man is often too shy to talk, but his body language speaks volumes. He’s been seen looking longingly at the older men of the church as well as the other missionaries. And now there’s been talk that he’s done inappropriate things with his companion.

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15 May 18 By Dave 3 Comments

MormonBoyz: Elder Addison – The Calling

MormonBoyz: Elder Addison – The Calling

Elder Addison rises to his feet and begins to take off his clothes. He tries to remain calm, almost clinical. He took his clothes off for his doctor, so why not President Lee? Besides, if this was anything like his last meeting, stripping down is sure to just be the beginning.

Once he’s down to his garments, President Lee stands up and walks toward him, then he puts his hands on the boy’s body, feeling him like he’s a piece of property being inspected. He feels around his stomach and chest, getting a sense of his fitness and health, even running a hand down the back of his garments to test out his buttocks.

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08 Apr 18 By Laam 2 Comments

MormonBoyz: Elder Ingles – Atonement

MormonBoyz: Elder Ingles - Atonement

Over at MormonBoyz, President Lee is a patient and understanding man. He knows that boys will be boys and their hormones and bodies are almost beyond their control. Still, the Order has very specific expectations for its members… even those who are yet to be ordained.

Having heard of Elder Ingles’ recent transgressions, he felt the need to step in and course correct. Lee knew of Ingles’ tryst with Bishop Gibson but it was decided by the Brethren that this was a fault of leadership, not of the missionary.

After all, Elder Ingles had been told to obey his superiors, and Gibson was certainly well above him. This alone would have been forgivable, even permitted, were it the only time Elder Ingles acted outside of his prescribed sexual activity.

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04 Apr 18 By Ken 5 Comments

MormonBoyz: Elder Zachary – Second Annointing

MormonBoyz: Elder Zachary - Second Annointing

Bishop Gibson followed President Lee into the sacred chamber, eager to see what the older man had to teach him. As a member of the Order, he knew he was fortunate to be surrounded by some of the most powerful and handsome men he’d ever meet. And as such, he wanted to learn all he could.

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07 Feb 18 By Dave 5 Comments

MormonBoyz: Elder Zachary – Disciplinary Action

MormonBoyz: Elder Zachary

Elder Zachary went into a panic! He searched all over his room and couldn’t find his camcorder. He thought he’d put it away with his biking equipment and P-day stuff, but it was nowhere to be found.

He normally wouldn’t be so concerned about not being able to find one of his belongings. He may have otherwise even assumed Elder Ingles had borrowed it. But this was special. Sensitive. Not only was the camera itself pretty expensive, it had very damning content on it. Namely the sex tape of him and his companion!

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31 Jan 18 By Dave 5 Comments Myles Landon Hires Titus Myles Landon Hires Titus

Myles Landon‘s wife and he are going thru a rough patch in their marriage. They argue and she’s shut him out of her bed. He’s a little but frustrated. And horny. When the wife says she is going to visit her sister Myles takes the opportunity to hire Titus to get some much needed spunk out of his balls. The only hiccup is that the wife may not have actually gone to visit her sister….

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07 Dec 17 By Dave 6 Comments

MormonBoyz: Elder Campbell – Initiation

MormonBoyz: Elder Campbell - Initiation

Elder Campbell stood before the handsome President Lee, completely naked save for the ceremonial shield he was given. Despite the increasingly frequent occurrence of nudity around his priesthood leaders, he was still nervous and a little embarrassed.

After having been fucked and inseminated by Bishop Hart, the chiseled priest informed him of the plans the Brethren has for his place in the Order. Elder Campbell satisfied him and now he must learn to satisfy others. But before he can proceed, he must be ritually anointed and cleansed.

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26 Nov 17 By Dave 8 Comments