Koh Masaki, Gay Porn Star, Dead At 29 Due To Peritonitis

Koh Masaki passed away. RIP
[Editor’s note: Whilst news of Koh’s passing start to spread and netizens are coming to grasp with the sad news, we realised there was still alot of confusion and questions with regards the Koh’s passing away. We’ve added some of his last tweets from his personal Twitter account at @masaki_koh in hope of shedding light on his condition leading up to his death on 18th May.]
中西翔(Sho Nakanishi)只是一个艺名,是参加经纪公司”G@MES”,拍摄GV时为了混淆视听起的。
We’ve been holding back on releasing the news hoping that it was a rumour, but it is with a heavy heart that we have to report about Japanese top gay porn actor Koh Masaki’s passing away this morning (18th May 2013) due to complications from acute Peritonitis. According to Chinese news sources, Koh had apparently been delaying surgery due to concern of having body scars which will affect his future film projects. All this time he had been adopting conservative remedies as treatment for his condition.
Several Chinese entertainment news sites have reported on this sad news. Condolences are also pouring in on his Facebook page. People who knew him personally and professionally have also expressed their condolences via social media. His Wikipedia page has also been edited to include the date of death.

新ゲイビデオメーカー、OSUINRAからのメッセージ –
(Official release from gay video label OSUINRA):
“本日、弊社出演モデルの真崎航が急逝いたしました。 皆様から今まで応援していただいたこと、本人に代わりお礼申し上げます。 スタッフ、モデル一同、ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 航君ともっと仕事したり、語りあいたかったです。”
Koh started to tweet about this medical condition sometime in late April:

25th April:
Gastroenteritis. He had been struggling the past few days with the pain so much that he couldn’t really move. He was thankful for his friends who took good care of him. He thought he was going to die from the pain and decided to seek treatment at the hospital. He apologized for worrying everyone and thanked everyone for their concern.
On 26th April: 食欲が異常なくらい湧いてきたんだけど、あまり肉とか固形は食べない方が良いのかな(´Д` )?しばらくはヨーグルトとか味噌汁とかゼリーかな? 肉食いたい。
Appetite improved and better than normal. Better stay off solid foods like meats. Wondering if softer foods such as jelly, miso soup and yoghurt will be better. He was craving for meat.
On 27th April: ご心配をおかけしてすみません。 胃腸炎ですが、投薬治療により腸の方はだいぶ落ち着きまだ完治まで熱は続きますが昨日よりは楽になりました。現在は胃炎と戦っています。 昼くらいまで胃痛と吐き気の症状が酷かったのですが、医師の指示で症状が落ち着いてきました。 この機会に療養します。
He mentioned about nausea and gastric pain. But situation was under control and pain managed after seeing a physician and taking medication.
29th April: 今日も生きてて良かった〜って大げさだけと感じちゃん。 ゴールデンウィークの人はガッツり遊んでお仕事の人は頑張ってね。 みんなと健康第一だよ。今朝は卵焼きが食べれた。
He was thankful to be alive that day. It was the Golden Week in Japan. He remarekd that health should be the top priority for everyone. He was able to eat fried eggs in the morning.
Here are some of Koh Masaki’s final tweets:
2nd May: モデルだからお腹は切らないでくださいと最後までお願いしましたが、命の方を優先しましょう。って叱られました。 運ばれて行く時に看護婦さんが胸ポケットから天天が書いた手紙をこっそりみせてくれた。涙がとまらなくて何度もありがとうって言った記憶があります。助かって良かった命ある事に感謝。
Masaki didn’t want to proceed with the operation as he was very concerned the operation scar would affect his work and modelling career. But he was scolded and reminded that his health should come first.
2nd May: …っという訳で昨日朝に容体が急変したわけで…。 何かが破裂しそうな位痛かったわけで… それでも病院行くのを拒んでいたたら天天や友達に担がれて、病院へ。 盲腸破裂と腹膜炎を引き起こしていてダダこねてる場合じゃありませんでした。 緊急手術は無事に住み入院していまーん。
Koh’s condition had taken for the worse in the morning and he had to go for an emergency operation as his appendix has ruptured. His friends accompanied him to the hospital.
3rd May: お見舞いにきてくれた、あっちゃん、竜ちゃん、コースケさん、シュージさん夫妻、バブちゃん、タロちゃん、天天。本当にありがとう。 色々な方々からお見舞いのお話を戴きお気持ちは嬉しいですが今は静養したいので身近な人のみとさせていただいています。ごめんなさい。さぁ、今夜もたっぷり寝る!
Koh was very thankful for the concern and words of sympathy shown by many of his close friends. He had decided to get plenty of sleep to rest up.
And his final tweet on 7th May: 腹膜炎の回復が悪く再手術になってしまいました。やっと水が飲めるところまで回復したと思ったのに。泣きそう…
Re-operation required due to the return of Peritonitis. But he could finally drink water. He wanted to cry…
Here is the most recent tweet from Koh’s boyfriend, Tian Tian (天天)@skyxiao60.
Tian Tian confirmed Koh’s passing away. The wake is only open to close relatives and family. A separate farewell ceremony will be held and more details will be posted when they are firmed up. Thank you for the understanding.

The above is Koh’s final appearance in a promotional video posted on 15th May for FUNKY BAR & LOUNGE in Beijing slated to launch in 9th June 2013. His boyfriend Tian Tian also appears in this video. We send out utmost condolences to Tian Tian.

This is episode 2 from a documentary series by Kiichi Nitta titled “WE ARE OUT.” We get pulled into their world by learning more about the couple (they met on a train after a Lady Gaga concert), hearing their thoughts on marriage and seeing the space they shared (they have a cat). They were such a loving couple. Our hearts go out to Tian Tian.
RIP Koh Masaki.
July 20th, 1983 – May 18th, 2013

May 19, 2013 By Editor D 8 Comments