We found 2 results and a tag AJ Monroe

NextDoorStudios: James Huntsman and AJ Monroe

Next Door Buddies: James Huntsman and AJ Monroe
He’s a traveler, hardened by too many hours waiting in terminals. AJ Monroe‘s seen more faces than most do in a lifetime. Some he remembers, most he doesn’t. But as he sits by himself at the airport bar, sipping a double vodka, clean, a certain face grabs his attention. It belongs to part-time bartender, James Huntsman. The two notice each other’s glances and stumble into a conversation that begins with pleasantries. As they become more friendly, James pours a round of shots for them to share. They clink glasses and drink. As the mood grows intimate, they find themselves discussing the inconvenience of finding sexual outlet while traveling for long periods. They both know toward what this exchanging is leading.

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03 May 12 By Jo 9 Comments