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TGIF: This Week’s Queerest Clicks!

TGIF: This Week's Queerest Clicks!

The Top 10 Clicksas determined by QC editors and readers

10. Island Studs: Gus
9. College Dudes 24/7: Dillinger Cole & Carter Nash
8. TimTales: Tim, Martin and Johann
7. Cocksure Men: Dean Phoenix and Seth Sweet
6. Chaos Men: Grant and Houston
5. Bel Ami: Gduroy’s Seriously Sexy
4. Sean Cody: Doug and Jake
3. Corbin Fisher: Zeke Fucks Bryan
2. Randy Blue: Benjamin and Reese Rideout
1. Frat Men: Three Js

QC Asians
· Chenz Wendell Ching
· Hot Asian Man on the Beach
· Erected Meaty Asian Cock
· Hot Asian Man on the Beach
· Body Heat

QC Español
· El Guapo del Día: Leonidis Orestis
· Brazilian Studz: Gomez
· Latin Boyz: Ozzie
· Dylan Rosser: RED (2)
· Latin Boyz: Alexander

QC Twinks
· Boy Fun: Niz
· Twinkscape: Jesse and Ryan
· Toegasms: Puppy
· Dirty Boy Video: An East Village Boy is HORNY!
· Straight Boys Fucking: Dakota and J.

· Chaos Men: Grant and Houston – Raw
· Pantehoen Bears: Bears in Paradise
· Tommy D. XXX: Tommy and Angelina Stoli
· Chaos Men: Davin, Dyson and Zane – Tag Team RAW
· Club Inferno Dungeon: James Aaron

26 Sep 09 By aaron 1 Comment

Chaos Men: Davin, Dyson and Zane – Tag Team RAW

Chaos Men: Davin, Dyson and Zane - Tag Team RAW

Bryan tossed Davin, Dyson and Zane, three of his veteran guys, onto a bed and hoped they’d just go for it, but it didn’t really happen that way.

Instead, all of them, even the nutty Zane, seemed a lot more reserved. The video starts off a little awkward, but it does ramp up during the sucking and fucking.

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19 Sep 09 By Ken 4 Comments

FUK!T – Stop HIV. Please F*ck Responsibly.

FUK!T - Stop HIV. Please F*ck Responsibly.

Even though QC’s been wondering a lot recently about the social pros and cons of barebacking, we’re always up for promoting a hot, wet safe-sex campaign (just check out our coverage of Andy McKay’s “Safer Sex Is Hotter Sex” campaign, the celebrity cocks in a Belgian Safe Sex ad, and the Hot House safe sex posters that feature actual fucking).

Along comes FUK!T, a Washington DC-based safe sex campaign providing “fuck kits” to local clubs, boutiques, and clinics to stem the ever-growing tide of HIV. But the condoms are only half the fun. The other half are the hot pictures of models groping and wrapping each other. They’re all colors of the rainbow and well hung too. Plus the site has some great info on STDs, safe sex alternatives, and places to learn more about gay health and community initiatives.

We know that is important to practice safe oral sex by not brushing or flossing beforehand, not gargling cum like a blender, and not having it shot onto your eyes, but do any of you out there actually put on a condom for oral sex? Just wonderin…

08 Jul 09 By paperbagwriter 5 Comments

Diesel Washington Calls Twinks And ChaosMen Barebackers “Boys” And “Cum Dumpsters”

Diesel Washington Criticizes Twinks And Chaos Men Barebackers
In light of his recent “retirement” from porn, Diesel Washington has taken up making targets out of the younger generation of porn stars leaving the likes him in the dust. Most recently, he called the barebacking Chaos Men we interviewed “Cum Dumpsters” but we’ll get to that. First, in a post entitled “Things Are Changing,” Diesel bemoaned modern porn’s decreased pay and changing body types:

Porn stars used to be larger than life, Alpha males, rugged handsome… these Men were Hot Handsome and just had that Macho thing… It used to have these Iconic Performers that stood out and made them Worthy of being called a Porn Star. The Body, Face, Dick that nobody could have because its one of a kind. No I see a bunch of little boys fucking up a storm on Vid and they walk around like they are huge stars. No Ur just a Little boy playing Porn star on the Vid or Web…

And who are these “little boys”? Twinks like Aiden Ash, MJ Taylor, Race Cooper, Cameron Marhsall, and Daniel Cox. His rant continues:

I know these are twink performers but OMG they look like babies!!! Its getting harder and harder to see the performers coming into the game now… these kids should be play X box, or Play Station not playing with Joysticks of another kind!!

I see the look of the muscle men dying…its being replaced by college jocks and twinks. I’m getting a little scared of what the industry holds next in the coming years. The stars get younger and younger(just turned 18 and in the porn biz). The above group of men made porn what it is today….Men running the porn biz…People bought the porn because it had “MEN” the decline of porn nowadays is because the Newest porn stars coming out don’t have that Look, Feel, Raw energy and essence of being a Man that is Large and In Charge.

Diesel Washington Criticizes Twinks And Chaos Men Barebackers
We’re familiar with the ass-to-mouth threesome that is needless blogging, self-promotion, and insanity. Michael Lucas and Mason Wyler have both gotten in bed with that rambunctious trio. But unlike them, Diesel’s a self-designated ex-porn star. And despite his contributions to creative sex positions (after the jump), the porn world continues to change without him.
He’s certainly entitled to his opinion, but he also certainly has body issues. First off, Diesel’s body fits the “macho man” image he so idealizes. And as an out of work porn star he must feel threatened by his younger, slimmer, and currently more successful amateur counterparts getting work and fucking onscreen. Diesel’s actions are currently confined to his blog and blogging is nowhere near as exciting, sexy, or daring as the onscreen work of the “little boys” he disparages.
Secondly, we don’t know about you, but these ripped hung twinks still represent “the Look, Feel, Raw energy and essence of being a Man that is Large and In Charge.” Maybe Diesel’s never been pounded by a wiry, large-dicked twink with loads of stamina, quick moves, deep thrusts, and the ability to make a moaning bitch of any vers top. Anyone who has knows that twinks are hardly little boys playing at sex. They’re men with raw sexual energy, beautiful bodies, and the testosterone to bring men to their knees.
Lastly, the hyper-muscular male form has gotten old-hat and somewhat tiresome in contemporary porn. Sure there are stars and fans who still crave that look, but lots of guys also find body-builders ridiculous, freakish, and/or artificial. Lots of men like to see guys who look more like themselves fucking. It lets us enjoy the sex more intimately without self-consciously focusing on flawless, bulging, vein-ripped bodies that only result from loads of free time and a desperation to be lusted after. Considering that there’s lots of free porn on sites like XTube, the only way studios will be able to compete is by bringing fresh looks and ideas to the screen; not by pushing old standards and repackaging your grandpa’s gay porn.
So we all have different tastes—Diesel has his and we have ours. But when he decided to insult the ChaosMen bareback models we interviewed a few weeks back, we took the gloves off…

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02 Jul 09 By paperbagwriter 19 Comments

Chaos Men’s Dyson, Nash, Teo, And Zane Disrupts Charlie’s In Austin

Chaos Men's Dyson, Nash, Teo, And Shane Disrupts Charlie's In Austin
ChaosMenのモデルがテキサス州の州都オースティンの老舗ゲイクラブCharlie’sでファンとの交流イベントをやるということで、QueerClickのスタッフが行ってきました!今回イベントに登場したのは、Chaos Menのモデルの中でも特に人気のDysonNashTeoZaneです!QueerClickのステッカーを手渡し、インタビューにも応じてくれました!たっぷりの写真と共にどうぞ!
Chaosmen Austin Teo Interview
QC: ポルノ界で働いてて一番いいなと思うことは?
Teo: (Chaos Menの監督)Bryanと働くことかな。彼はすごく心地よくさせてくれて、仕事をしてるって感じがしないよ。
QC: じゃあ一番嫌なことは?
Teo: うーん、たぶんウケをするときかな。今までケツを掘られたことがなかったから、始めの2回くらいはかなり心地悪かったよ。でも何回かこなすうちにだいぶ楽になってきたよ。
QC: 生堀りについてはどう思う?
Teo: 僕たちみたいに定期的に性病の検査をうけてたら安心だと思うよ。いつも安全とは限らないけどね。初対面の人とはエッチしたりしないよ。もし信頼できる相手で、お互い検査してる相手ならOKだと思う。あとはもっとお金がもらえるっていうのもあるね。(笑)
QC: 後でみんなでサウナに行くみたいだけど、どんなことをするの?
Teo: わらかないよ。お楽しみ袋みたいなものだからね。開けてみないとわからないよ。
QC: 何かファンに向けてメッセージはありますか?
Teo: いつも全てにおいてサポートしてくれてどうもありがとう。もっといい体になって激しいエッチして、ベストを尽くすことにするよ。痛いのは無理だけどね。
Teo’s QC Fan Pageも是非チェックして下さいね!

Continue with “Chaos Men’s Dyson, Nash, Teo, And Zane Disrupts Charlie’s In Austin”

24 Jun 09 By ryu Write a comment!

QueerClick’s Chaos Men “Blow & Go” Contest

ChaosMen Blow And Go Contest
As we mentioned earlier in our ChaosMen in Austin post, Bryan Ockert, the founder of ChaosMen.com was cool enough to give us some ChaosMen photo books and Edging/Service DVDs when we met up with him and his boys this last weekend. Now we’re giving away 5 DVD and photo book sets to the FIRST 5 QCOMMENTORS who correctly answer our contest question…
Bryan’s often said that he has the best job in the world. We agree! Not only does he get to film beautiful men having sex, but he also gets to blow them every now and then! We’re wondering, HOW MANY QC POSTS HAVE FEATURED CHAOSMEN’S BRYAN SERVICING OR EDGING ONE OF HIS MODELS?
We’ll give you a hint: Bryan’s sucked an awful lot of dicks. Like, in the double digits.

The first 5 QCommentors to submit the correct answer will win a copy of Serviced (volume 2) or Edge (volume 3) featuring 10 of ChaosMen’s hottest, including two scenes not available online! In addition to these awesome DVDs, you’ll also win the ChaosMen photo book filled with lots of intimate full-color portraits of ChaosMen models.
To keep this sporting, we won’t publish any submitted answers on this thread and we will announce once the contest has ended. If you are one of the winners, we will notify you by the e-mail address you enter while leaving your comment.
Gentlemen, start your search engines!

17 Jun 09 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Chaos Men’s Dyson, Nash, Teo, And Zane Disrupts Charlie’s In Austin

Chaos Men's Dyson, Nash, Teo, And Shane Disrupts Charlie's In Austin
Summers in Austin, Texas mean 100-degree days and sweaty students ambling around the University. Everyone in Austin’s in decent shape and seemingly eager to strip off the hot weather to settle in with some buds and cold beer. So we were thankful when Bryan Ockert, founder of ChaosMen.com, brought his boys to the air-conditioned comfort of Charlie’s, the city’s oldest gay bar. It’s a place where you can see old bikers and drag queens playing pool under a televised baseball game while fraternity boys do strip karaoke in the adjoining bar.
Despite the flagging economy, Bryan just finished his 14-month renovation on ChaosMen’s new studios near Austin. He was all too happy to invite QueerClick to his Charlie’s soiree. Not only did he help our star-struck interviewer pull away the boys for a little one-on-one, but he also provided some goodies that we’ll give away IN A CONTEST STARTING LATER TODAY!
While at Charlie’s, the ChaosMen danced, drank and smoked with bar patrons, took photos, got bills tucked deep into their waistbands, cheerily signied books and DVDs, and even took some time to play a boxing game in the back?our interviewer was there to capture the action!
Chaosmen Austin Teo Interview
Admittedly, our interviewer felt a little nervous talking with Teo because Teo’s just his type. He’s spilled a lot of seed watching him and once Teo was up-close in skimpy black briefs with a glitter red guitar on the butt, our boy could barely contain himself. However, Teo was warm and affectionate, constantly smiling and blowing kisses to his fellow ChaosMen and other bar patrons during the interview.
QC: What’s the best thing about working in porn?
Teo: Working for Bryan. He makes you feel real comfortable so it doesn’t even seem like a job.
QC: What’s the worst thing? (NOTE: All the ChaosMen initially answered this question with some variation on “there isn’t one” which is crap. No matter how awesome your job is, there’s gotta be at least one downside. Even at QueerClick, someone has to clean up after Toby).
Teo: Hmmm… bottoming, I guess. It was uncomfortable the first couple of times because I hadn’t done it before. But it’s gotten easier as it’s gone on. I’m open though to fooling around with a guy. It’s all human. The only difference between kissing a guy and a girl is a little bit of peach fuzz (he says while rubbing his cheek).
QC: How do you feel about barebacking, personally or as a career choice?
Teo: If you’re tested regularly like we are, then I feel it’s safe. I know it’s not always safe. I wouldn’t do it with a guy I never met. But if there’s trust and you’ve both been tested, then it’s OK. Plus, there’s a little more money in it, so… (laughs)
QC: What are you boys gonna do at the sauna later?
Teo: I don’t know. It’s like the mystery box. You never know what’s gonna be inside the mystery box!
QC: Do you have any message for your fans?
Teo: Thanks for supporting me through everything. I’m gonna do my best to get in great shape and hit it hard… no pun intended.
Check out Teo’s QC Fan Page.
Interviews with the three other ChaosMen, plus a boxing game, after the jump!

Continue with “Chaos Men’s Dyson, Nash, Teo, And Zane Disrupts Charlie’s In Austin”

17 Jun 09 By paperbagwriter 7 Comments

TGIF: This Week’s Queerest Clicks!

TGIF: This Week's Queerest Clicks!

The Top 10 Clicksas determined by QC editors and readers

10. Blake Mason: 400th Film Celebrates a Four-Man Orgy
9. Maskurbate: Blowing Troy
8. Bel Ami: Davy Paxton and Leon Boisen
7. Corbin Fisher: Fucking Simon
6. Chaos Men: Dion
5. English Lads: Scott Jacks Off Outside
4. Corbin Fisher: Josh Fucks TJ
3. College Dudes 24/7: Carter Nash Fucks Rob Ryder
2. Sean Cody: Mac
1. Randy Blue: Benjamin, Chris and Malachi

QC Español
· G Online: Marlon Vinícius
· Latin Boyz: Octavio
· Bang Bang Boys: Davyd
· Terra The Boy: Eduardo Tesch (1)
· Stag Homme: Un Polvo en el Sol

QC Chinese
· Hot Asian Man
· Asian Hottie Jeremy Tang
· Angelo Cacciatore: The Italian Hunter
· Hot Asian Guy with iPhone
· Thick Asian Cock

QC Japanese
· Gay Asian Twinkz: Cute Asian
· Hot Asian Man
· Hot Asian Macho
· Gay Asian Amateurs: Pock (3)
· Dr. Kho Hayden Jr. Sex Scandal

QC Twinks
· Boy Fun Collection: Rodrigo
· HM Boys: James R.
· Latin Boyz: Rafa
· 19 Nitten: Mikhail
· Boyz Party: Fred and Aaron

· Cocksure Men: Giovanni Summers and Coach Bo Dean
· Rear Stable: Steve Cruz and Fred Faurtin
· Jake Cruise: Mike West Serviced
· Chaos Men: Dyson and Nash – RAW
· Naked Kombat: Derrick Diamond and Lee Stephens

06 Jun 09 By aaron Write a comment!

Chaos Men: Dyson and Nash – RAW

Chaos Men: Dyson and Nash - RAW
Bryan could sit and watch these two kiss all night long.
Even the gay guys are reluctant to kiss- just too personal. So getting the straight guys to mug is always a gamble.
But Bryan had seen Dyson really throw himself to it and wow, was he very surprised at how good of a kisser Nash turned out to be. They both REALLY seem like they are into it!

Continue with “Chaos Men: Dyson and Nash – RAW”

30 May 09 By Ken 2 Comments

Chaos Men: Dyson & Teague

ChaosMen: Dyson & Teague

Continue with “Chaos Men: Dyson & Teague”

17 Feb 09 By ryu Write a comment!

Chaos Men: Dyson & Teague

ChaosMen: Dyson & Teague
Well, it was time to get Dyson fucked!
He has been dodging the issue for many months.
Bryan promised Dyson that he wouldn’t stick him with a giant porn cock guy, and Bryan KNEW that Teague had the same steamy energy that Dyson does. They are both dirty!
To make life easier all the way around, they did some flip-flop action, and both guys really got off on making the other dude feel his dick inside of the other.

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10 Feb 09 By Editor D 6 Comments