Eric Fucks Jude at

Eric is a pretty meticulous guy – a true “metrosexual” if there ever was one. He takes care of himself physically and takes pride in his appearance (a nice trait lacking in many otherwise hot straight guys) – enough so that one would incorrectly assume at first glance he wasn’t straight.
When he arrived at the studio, CF thought to himself “we will just see how straight you are over the next few days”. CF then gave him plenty of opportunity to “fess up” through the course of several meals where the drinks flowed freely, where he was given choices of titty or gay porn to beat off to, and where they had several in-depth conversations about various girls he was majorly in to. And not one time in 3 days did he give ANY indication that he was the slightest bit interested in guys – in fact he was a huge flirt with the girls wherever they went and he even managed to score a couple of phone numbers! So CF figured his solo work would be it, but went ahead and made him an offer for “additional” scenes anyhow.
When he got back home, he called CF up and said he would definitely be up for doing a girl – and MAYBE receive a BJ from a guy…but he was dead set on doing anything more than that…and even that would have to wait until the end of the semester.
The end of his semester finally rolled around and CF was able to get him back in my studio with several of CF’s signature straight guys in that weekend to hang out – Jude, Dirk, Cody, Lucas, Logan…in addition to Bianca who was flirting with all of them. Each of the other straight guys had already tried (and enjoyed) gay sex. So in that setting, Eric grew more willing to give it a try.
The first scene filmed was the Bi Tag Team – loaded earlier this week. And Eric wasted no time getting in and eating Bianca out – a task very few truly gay boys would have the stomach to do themselves – and voraciously fucking her…so any remaining doubt on his sexuality quickly evaporated. Bianca’s skilled presence and the reassurance of the other straight guys seemed to do the trick, because Eric started sucking his first dick and while it was plainly evident that he didn’t know the first thing about giving a blowjob, his straight boy lips were nonetheless locked around another guy’s dick for the first time in his life! He even kissed A.J. several times while attending to Bianca simultaneously.
After the scene, he said it was in fact pleasurable although it was still weird having those pleasurable feelings from another guy. To CF’s (and our) delight, he agreed at that point to take things a step further – although he advised that would probably be the last step.
CF wanted to pair him up with someone that had been in his position before…and Jude was a natural choice to be the teacher!
Word has it that the entire CF crew sported woodies that showed through their pants while filming…and this scene caused some raging hard ons! There are very few things finer than watching a couple of STRAIGHT guys go at it and enjoy it!
Eric Fucks Jude at

Jul 08, 2005 By Editor D 3 Comments

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