Thor at

When Sean Cody found Thor, he had been showing off for some girls skating on the beach boardwalk. Not being used to concrete that had a dusting of sand, he had taken a dive and had some bad scrapes. Oops! He was only visiting friends for a few weeks, but fortunately there was enough time to let his wounds heal before the cameras came on.
SC wouldn’t have pegged Thor as a skater since he lives in a conservative town on the east coast but he’s someone you could see running for public office one day – he’s got the hair for it, at least! In fact, he kind of looks like a Russian version of the late John F. Kennedy, Jr.
After he shot his first load, SC got him to show us some of his boarding moves. Fortunately this time he didn’t hurt himself, otherwise we couldn’t see him pop a SECOND yummy load!

Aug 06, 2005 By Editor D 1 Comment

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