Is It Sebastian Rivers or Isn’t It?

Is that Sebastian Rivers? On a site stating all boys are 18-20 and in HS? Well, last I checked he was 23…

Nov 08, 2006 By docfeel


  • native says:

    And we all know that everything posted on an internet porn site is factual…and the blogs usually reprint it as true. Especially when the site advertises…
    EDIT: Well, isn’t it true? 🙂

  • shawn says:

    Maybe he was in HS when he did this? If it really is him. Always a possibility
    EDIT: His interview on QC he stated he had never done ANY porn until RB, except for an audition, and he was 21. Just sayin…

  • shawn says:

    oh i didn’t know 20 year olds were in high school, last time i checked you graduated at 18… maybe this is a high school of dumb asses
    EDIT: A lil advertising fraud maybe?

  • Anthony says:


  • Howard says:

    I just spoke to Sebastian, and I find it funny that the pics you have there are from a Randy Blue shoot with Peter…and Sebastian has never heard of HS boys or done any other things…..who;s playing a game?
    EDIT: Follow the link. Seems to me he could sue IF he didn’t authorize the usage.

  • Martin says:

    I still find it amusing that no one has ever seemed to notice Sebastian’s pic on DC radio station Hot 99.5’s website… it’s there, plain as day… (and yes, he authorized it)
    EDIT: Seems he does that A lot…I think it’s more “interesting” he is on a site promoting HS boys. HS Boys that are 18-20 mind you…and he is 23. Can we say ummm.

  • BrandonCA says:

    Doc Feel you are amazing and continuously impress me with your brilliance and talent. A blessing to the gay world.

  • Brad Mogh says:

    Who can resist that smile?? Reese is so sexy!!!