Mike at StraightHell.net

Mike at StraightHell.net
At 23 years old, and having served in the South African army, Mike emigrated to the UK and quickly established himself, in what is commonly regarded as one of the financial capitals of the World. I hooked him by posing as a head-hunter, operating out of the Canary Wharf complex. With the prospect of a huge wage increase dangled in front of him, Mike was easily persuaded to go with 2 strange men to a secluded office building, without telling anyone where he was!
Watch the way that Mike, thinking that it’s part of some joke, plays along to begin with. He so desperately doesn’t want to look a fool, he pretty much lets us get away with stripping him… like molesting him is all part of the selection process! Sucker! After he half-jokes that he’s going to get his lawyers onto us, it’s well after we’ve got the prat totally naked and wearing vicious nipple clamps, that he finally realises that there really is no job, and Jake & I have no concern whatsoever for his comfort or dignity.

Mike at StraightHell.net
You’d think he’d learnt by now to show some respect, but from the start he’s cursing us, pulling away from me when I go in for a little grope. He particularly hates Jake, telling him to fuck off. If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s a foul mouth, so I whip out my evil nipple clamps to teach the cunt a lesson. Funny how the lightest touch on those things causes the most excrutiating pain.
A firm finger fucking later and the tosser is ready to have his anal virginity properly taken from him forever by my custom made vibrating dildo on a pole. Sadly for him, his tight little straight boy hole is stretched widely and painfully, by my one-size-barely-fits-all device. For what we plan for Mike next we tie him across a very uncomfortable military medical bench. Mike cannot escape as Jake torments him, thrusting his smelly crotch into the hetero’s face. If you consider how filthy straight men are about their cocks and pissing, imagine how nauseating it must be for poor Mike to have to suck on my hard cock when it’s forced into his gob. I’m sure all his blowing isn’t for my benefit. One toasty pair of pink cheeks later the dude is hung upside down. I wonder if they’ve started missing him back at his office?!

Jul 12, 2007 By Jo 8 Comments

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