Dawson Fucks Derek at CorbinFisher.com

Dawson Fucks Derek at CorbinFisher.com
Two of Corbin’s best-built, most ripped guys pair up this time for an insanely hot fuck session in the gym.
Derek is the most recent addition to the CF Dean’s List, joining longtime List resident Dawson. Each of these studs has themselves quite the following among CF fans and for good reason – their physical hotness is matched by the intensity with which they take to their performances. Many of the most popular videos at CF include either Derek or Dawson, and now we have a scorcher that includes both!

Dawson Fucks Derek at CorbinFisher.com
Dawson’s proven himself a master at fucking, and can pump and thrust like no other. For his part, Derek has proven himself a master at bottoming. Few guys look like they’re as skilled at fucking as Dawson, and few guys look as if they absolutely love getting fucked as much as Derek. When the two combine to have at it with one another, they’re all over one another and as fully engaged and involved as could be.
Not only does Dawson’s drilling bring out a massive load from Derek, but Derek also gets Dawson off in a way that is purely lustful and hot!

Feb 23, 2008 By Ken 29 Comments

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