UpYerKilt.net Update

UpYerKilt.net Update
Do Scottish men’s balls hang lower from wearing kilts? This is the kind of scientific investigation we really like to make. You could say men in kilts, with their balls exposed to the cool air, means that their testicles shrink. Or maybe, because they have no support, their balls hang lower! We asked a confirmed kilt wearer – the editor at UpYerKilt – which answer is really true?
His answer: “You actually get a warm pocket of air trapped under a kilt which keeps a nice and even temperature, especially around the balls and cock. Sometimes with added brisk movement, walking, tossing a caber, doing a highland fling etc. the temperature actually rises making your balls even toastier or nice and musky. So since starting to wear the kilt more often and without the constriction of underwear I have actually found that my balls are much freer and my scrotum in fact hangs lower.”
Judging by the heavy balled Scottish lads on the site, this is also true for them…. Many more low hangers and big dicked Scotsmen can be found at UpYerKilt.net
Anyone else had experience in this area that they’d care to share?

Mar 14, 2008 By Jo Write a comment!

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