Straight Hell: Tony(5)

Straight Hell: Tony(5)
What’s more humiliating for a proud young straight guy than to be turned into a human horse, forced to run back and forth under the orders of two demanding men? The Straight Hell tops push Tony to the ground and shove a cold metal buttplug up his arse, giving him a long, flowing tail.

Straight Hell: Tony(5)
Terry uses a vicious carriage whip to force him to run round in never ending circles, while Stan whacks him with a crop whenever he slacks. They make him lift his knees up and prance, whipping him whenever he shows signs of slowing down.
They’re going to push this meathead to his limits and give him a serious endurance test. A few cracks of the whip and round he goes again, with them both barking orders for him to go faster as he struggles over each jump.

Sep 24, 2008 By Laam 8 Comments

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