Randy Blue: Braden and Bryce

Randy Blue: Braden and Bryce

It was time for Bryce Barrington to get fucked and there was only one guy for the job… Braden Charron. Bryce is one of those guys who jumps into any situation head first. Some people dip their toes in the pool, some slide in slowly, but Bryce not only dives in, he does an underwater handstand and splashes you when he comes back up. He is so full of life and enthusiasm, and it’s totally contagious.

Randy Blue: Braden and Bryce

The day of the shoot Braden was his usual cheerful self. He’s looking better than ever having trimmed down some of his bodybuilder’s bulk while keeping his breathtaking musculature. By the time they got to the set Braden was more frisky than Randy had ever seen him. Once they started, it was off and running. Brice went down on Braden’s cock like it was his favorite snack and he couldn’t get enough of it. And hearing Braden’s thick New England accent devolve into a sultry horned up whisper as he practically demanded Bryce’s cock almost sent him over the edge.

Nov 16, 2008 By aaron 1 Comment

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