Randy Blue: Buddy Davis

Randy Blue: Buddy Davis

Randy has a friend in Florida who sent him a very excited email the other day. He said that there was a guy out there that Randy just had to meet and that he should book him right away. Randy likes to at least see a photo of a guy before he commits to putting him on the site, but since the friend was so excited he thought he should really look into this.

Randy Blue: Buddy Davis

So Randy wrote Buddy and asked him to send a photo. Randy was blown away. He got him on the phone and got him to LA as soon as he could. He’s got this great boyish face with eyes that can only be called dreamy. He wears his wavy hair in a tousled, unkempt look. And his body is beautiful, well sculpted muscle from head to toe. There is something really classic about his look.

Nov 26, 2008 By Ken 12 Comments

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