Straight Hell: Dave(8)

Straight Hell: Dave(8)
What’s better than watching a gang of straight guys spanking one of their own? When they’re paying for the privilege of course. The nasty fuckers at Straight Hell have tied ex army man Dave up in a grimy nightclub toilet, ankles spread, with a money bucket hanging off his nuts. As punters start filing in, Terry invites them to give him a few whacks with their belt… for cash towards his and Stan’s beer money.

Straight Hell: Dave(8)
The first couple of straight guys aren’t entirely sure about paying to spank this naked guy. But once Terry gives Dave a few lashes with his own belt, they quickly see how fun it is to really let go and hurt someone. Soon the first straight guy empties his pockets of coins, and when Terry chucks them all into Dave’s bucket, the sudden yanking down on his tender balls makes him grunt and buckle in pain.
As the men start laying into Dave one by one with their belts, his arse quickly turns red. He can’t make a sound through his gag, but Dave’s distress is written all over his face – and his legs buckle when particularly hard blows catch his nuts or his sensitive thighs.
See the full amazingly hot & dirty spanking video at Straight Hell!

Nov 12, 2008 By Laam 1 Comment

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