Corbin Fisher: Mack

Corbin Fisher: Mack
When Corbin first met Mack and before he had actually gotten him in front of the camera, he was a bit concerned he’d be too quiet and shy in front of the cameras and not come across all that well. He’s certainly one of those shy and quiet types, holding off a little before he really lets his personality out.
He took Corbin by surprise, though, when he finally did get in front of the cameras because he was entirely relaxed, even seemed to be having a good bit of fun, and had quite enjoyed talking about himself, sharing some of his sexual history with us, and stripping down for our eyes.

Corbin Fisher: Mack
While standing there behind the camera, Corbin couldn’t help but think to himself just how perfectly suited his t-shirt was for him. “Stud Muffin”, it said. That just about describes him, as he’s an athletic, young, straight, masculine college stud while at the same time having a boyish quality about him that’s quite cute and endearing.

Dec 24, 2008 By Ken 6 Comments

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