Randy Blue: Nathan Wright

Randy Blue: Nathan Wright
Randy always tries to separate business from pleasure. Oh, who is he kidding??? When you love your job as much as he doed, you just can’t help it. This has never been more evident than a recent dinner date Randy had with a friend. The food was exceptional, and he had to go in the back to compliment the chef in person. Okay, the truth is he wanted to hit on the waiter, who had just ducked into the back room. Anyway, as he was sneaking around the kitchen he spotted the most gorgeous guy, who just happened to be wearing a chef’s hat. His name was Nathan Wright.

Randy Blue: Nathan Wright
Randy was trying to compliment him on the food but he had to stop myself. He told him that someone as gorgeous as him should not be hidden away in some kitchen, no matter how good a cook he was. He laughed and assured Randy he didn’t stay cooped up in the kitchen all the time but that he loved the outdoors, being active and doing lots of physical activity. Randy slipped him his card and told him if he ever decided that he’d like to give modeling a try he could give me a call. Within a day or so Randy heard back from him, asking exactly what kind of modeling it was..

Mar 24, 2009 By Jo 3 Comments

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