Randy Blue: Jake Price

Randy Blue: Jake Price

If ever there was a guy on Randy Blue that gave you that feeling of a down home southern boy, it would be Jake Price. Starting with his shaggy mane of dirty blond curls, gorgeous retro sideburns and handsome face, he gets second looks everywhere he goes.

Randy wouldn’t say he commands attention, instead he politely asks for it and gives his all in return. Randy took him out to dinner and everyone from the waitress to the people sitting at the surrounding tables couldn’t stop sneaking peeks at this beauty. We think the thing that works for him is that he’s not your typical Hollywood type hunk, but rather someone who’s real.

Randy Blue: Jake Price

The kind of guy you could run into on the street who just happens to have an amazing body. And speaking of bodies, this one’s been gifted with a tall, lean frame with just the right amount of light musculature that Randy doubts he has to spend much time at the gym to keep up. He’s also one of the most polite guys you’ll ever met. No attitude and always a please and thank you no matter what you are doing. This isn’t his first modeling gig by any means, but this is the first time Randy has had the pleasure of working with him.

Apr 29, 2009 By aaron 12 Comments

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