New York Straight Men: Steve

new york straight men steve
Meet Steve! He is a Long Island Native and a Fireman! Steve is a real down to earth guy, not too familiar with porn, other than watching a few lesbian flicks with his buddy’s from time to time.
One of NYSM’s girls met him out in Queens in a dive bar that is usually filled with off duty Cops, Firefighters and EMS guys. When she met Steve, he was with a buddies and they had “put away” quite a few beers already.
She gave him her card and told him to call her if he would ever consider doing adult movies. About 3 weeks later he called, thinking he would be working with her. She explained to him the deal, at first he said ‘hell no”!
Eventually he came around when she gave her assurance that he wouldn’t have to do anything other then get hard, enjoy the blowjob and cum.

Sep 06, 2009 By Dave 2 Comments

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