Broke Straight Boys: CJ and Corey Slater

broke straight boys corey cj
Cory has starred on Broke Straight Boys before doing shoots, and that’s because he works for them doing the makeup for Broke Straight Girls. Usually BSB tries to watch how many gay boys they bring in to work, but since he does such a great job they wanted to give him a reward. Recently, Cory had expressed that he really wanted to do a scene with CJ, because he was a huge fan of his work. So they called CJ up and to see if he wanted to come in for a shoot, and in the mean time he was just going to hang out.

Cory didn’t mind he had some stuff that he could do, so BSB went in the other room and called CJ. He said that he would be right down. It took him 45 minutes to get ready and over to the studio, and when he arrived BSB first went in the room to tell Cory. When they told him the good news he was excited, and BSB had CJ come into the room. When they explained the situation to CJ and that he would make his typical $1200 for doing the scene, CJ said that it would include everything that they usually do.

Feb 21, 2010 By Dave 2 Comments