QC’s Pole Position

QC's Pole Position
Last week’s Pole Position came between two studs: uncut, hairy otter Bentley Race’s Jay Townsend came closest with 16% of the vote, but he was blown (tee-hee) out of the water by hung stud Sean Cody’s Ivan! But this week’s gonna be even crazier because for the first time we have over 10 racers—that’s right, we have 13 racers! Can you handle it? We think so… put one hand on your cock and one hand on the keyboard and get ready to race!
Let’s meet this week’s racers:
1) Corbin Fisher: Ellery
2) College Dudes 24/7: Bryan Cavallo
3) Chaos Men: Prentice
4) Sean Cody: James
5) Frat Men: Elliot
6) Sean Cody: Ray
7) College Dudes 24/7: Ike Sage
8) Bel Ami: Sean Berrett
9) Corbin Fisher: Thomas
10) Chaos Men: Chad
11) Sean Cody: Marc
12) Bel Ami: Todd Rosset
13) Randy Blue: Calvin Flex
Vote for your fave after the jump!

Apr 07, 2010 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment