ActiveDuty: Scorpius

active duty scorpius
Scorpius is a tougher nut to crack than the rest of the guys that have come our way as a result of FourPlay. He’s an expert at playing hard to get and he’s the only one out of the bunch that has not yet taken that next step and crossed the line in some form or fashion. And, he just happens to be one of Dink’s favorites in the bunch just for that reason.
He loves the ones that play hard to get, that make you work a little harder and tease you a lot along the way. Scorpius is a pro when it comes to teasing the hell out of a drooling cocksucker, but not so insensitive that he’s not very playful all the while. He can tease you just enough to satisfy you until next time.

Jun 27, 2010 By Dave 4 Comments

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