Michael Lucas Donates $2,500 To Gay Republican Gala With Ann Coulter

Michael Lucas Donates $2,500 To Gay Republican Gala With Ann Coulter
We just learned that porn impresario Michael Lucas has donated $2,500 to GOProud’s Homocon 2010, an upcoming New York event featuring wretched husk of a woman “the right wing Judy Garland” (shudder) Ann Coulter. Ms. Coulter has already been dogged by her conservative cohorts for speaking at the event, but will Mr. Lucas face a similar backlash?
Vigilantly pro-Isreal Mr. Lucas has already been taken to task by LGBT publications for regularly contributing anti-Islamic articles for The Advocate, so it’s no surprise that the neocon porn king would throw his money into a conservative cadre of gay Republicans. But apart from advocating the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, GOProud’s legislative agenda seems pretty skimpy on the gay side.
Of course, Mr. Lucas loves scandal and probably doesn’t care what you think of his contribution. But he’s also married to Richard Winger; the two even used their wedding to raise money against Prop 8. Neither GOProud nor Ann Coulter support gay marriage in the least. In fact, Ms. Coulter’s actively against it. So why would Lucas support individuals working against his marriage? Probably because (sigh) he’s not a single issue voter.

Sep 06, 2010 By paperbagwriter 19 Comments