The Great Big Brother 12 Penis Scandal Continues!

The Great Big Brother 12 Penis Scandal Continues!
The last time we checked into the Big Brother 12 Penis Scandal, hunky physicist Brendon Villega had ruined things with his girlfriend and possible fiance Rachel Reilly by showing his wiener to fellow Big Brother contestant Molly Shephard. Rumors abounded that Molly also had pics of yet another Big Brother contestant James Rhine. She does apparently (as the moles on the pics match), but here’s the kicker… this so called “Molly” person may just be a a dude posing as Molly to get nakey pics! Oh reality TV… the entertainment just never stops!
According to Reality Blurred the person pretending to be Molly on Twitter is actually just “a man named Nick in his early 20s. He is in his senior year at some college in PA. He is overweight, homosexual, and has a lot of time on his hands. This is not the first time he has faked his gender in order to get men to give him masturbation material.” That’s pretty twisted but because he’s snagged pics of two lean, handsome hotties, he is also our hero.

Meanwhile, hot swimmer Villega has issued this sweet but over-long public apology in which he says he had not one but THREE encounters with various Skype skanks while dating Rachel—someone get this guy’s Skype address; getting him to cam his dick is like stealing candy from a very muscular and well-hung baby! He thinks he needs to see a counselor because someone who’s “right in the head” shouldn’t ignore a hot piece of firecrotch analog ass just to get some digital dirtiness from a dude posing as a woman. It’s cruel to say, but he looks hot while groveling and we still wanna put this guy under bitch arrest.
Let’s hope “Molly” (whoever he is) also got pics of every other guy in the house. Homewrecking, yes but hot Hot HOT!!!

Dec 09, 2010 By paperbagwriter 3 Comments

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