Queer Clicks: July 01 | Bette Midler Set to Perform at WE Pride in New York City, Jack’d App Ordered to Pay Users for Failing to Protect Their Nude Photos, & Other Clicks

Jack’d App Ordered to Pay Users for Failing to Protect Their Nude Photos

“The owners of the gay social app Jack’d have reached a settlement with the State of New York over its failure to protect users’ private and nude photos. Online Buddies, Inc., the app’s owner, must pay $240,000 and make substantial security changes.” Towleroad

Bette Midler Set to Perform at WE Pride in New York City

“Bette Midler is set to appear at WorldPride in New York City at the WE Pride The Main Event, Saturday, June 29th at the Jacob K. Javits Center. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, Midler will perform a song accompanied by composer Marc Shaiman of Hairspray and Mary Poppins Returns fame. ” Instinct Magazine

Thousands Are Taking To NYC Streets To Celebrate WorldPride

“he city is playing host to WorldPride, the largest LGBTQ celebration in the world. It’s the first time WorldPride is being held in the United States, and it is taking place during the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, considered the catalyst for the modern gay rights movement.” CNN

Tom of Finland’s Sketches of Black Men Star in New No Sesso Collaboration

“The reality is that Tom’s work has a tendency to be shown and showcased almost exclusively depicting cis, white, masculine men — tropes of men to be frank. And while that is no doubt, a large part of his work, there is a collection of work that deviates from this. Case in point: his imagery of Black men.” Out

Jul 01, 2019 By Dave 2 Comments