Queer Clicks: November 23 | The Highs and Lows of Working as a Famous gay Porn Star, Masked Balls and gay Uprisings: Queer Maps is a Guide to 150 Years of LGBTQ History, & Other News

The Highs and Lows of Working as a Famous gay Porn Star

From men, money and fame, to battling a drug addiction and going off sex for good, Jonathan Agassi talks about his life in the porn industry. Dazed Digital

Masked Balls and gay Uprisings: Queer Maps is a Guide to 150 Years of LGBTQ History

These are some of the 800 historic LGBTQ institutionsthat have found new life this week with the launch of Queer Maps, an interactive website that has catalogued 150 years of gay history in the Los Angeles region. The Guardian

Pete Davidson Thinks ‘A lot Of Women in Entertainment use gay men As Props’ & Twitter has Many Thoughts

While we’re not sure it’s about to “Break the Internet” per se, the 26-year-old “BDE” comedian’s latest interview for PAPER Mag’s popular series is turning some heads today. Apparently, Pete Davidson’s “gay men as props” comments have set readers ablaze. Style Caster

Conservative Group Says Underwear Brand’s Gay ad has ‘Contaminated’ Christmas

The conservative group Family Voice Australia is blowing a gasket over a holiday ad from the Bonds underwear brand it says has “contaminated” Christmas. The ad features a gay couple kissing. Towleroad

Nov 23, 2019 By Dave 1 Comment