Queer Clicks: December 18 | Navy Ship Named for Harvey Milk, Slain gay Rights Leader, Takes Shape, A gay Rower’s Viral Post About Homophobia Shows Power of Coming out, and Other Clicks

Navy Ship Named for Harvey Milk, Slain gay Rights Leader, Takes Shape

Harvey Milk enlisted in the United States Navy in 1951 and worked as a diving instructor in San Diego.

He had served for four years when his superiors found him in a park known among gay men, his nephew Stuart Milk said on Monday. Harvey Milk was questioned about his sexuality and forced to resign. New York Times

A gay Film Sent an Entire Nation Into a Frenzy

Conflicts around gender and sexuality are often indicators of social tension. A recent public clash over the screening of a film in Tbilisi gives insight into the fault lines of contemporary politics in Georgia. Advocate

A gay Rower’s Viral Post About Homophobia Shows Power of Coming out

I came out as gay when I was 23, after five years of hiding it. Looking back I wish I didn’t wait this long and I certainly don’t wish the stress I felt upon anyone else. By launching #samesportdifferentsexuality I hope some people will find the support they need and can stop hiding who they really are. ​ OutSports

Meow! The “Cats” Editors had to “CGI Out” Jason Derulo’s Huge Bulge

Remember when the mere suggestion of Jason Derulo’s impressive manhood broke the freaking internet? Who are we kidding—of course you do. We all do. New Now Next

Dec 18, 2019 By Dave 1 Comment