BelAmi Online: Niko Vangelis Fucks Jens Christensen – Bareback

BelAmi Online: Niko Vangelis Fucks Jens Christensen - Bareback

At BelAmi, the guys could not decide who should be top and who bottom, and decided to make it a flip flop between Niko Vangelis and Jens Christensen. In part one we have Niko on top, and in part two he takes his turn in the passive role.

BelAmi Online: Niko Vangelis Fucks Jens Christensen - Bareback

Not only are their physiques perfect jock material, but the way they approach sex with everything being a competition in athleticism, from forplay, to fucking and even to cumming is special.

The guys really wanted to have a ‘favorite’ part to recommend to you, but in the end couldn’t decide which we liked more. Check back for the second part.

For now, see more of Niko and Jens over at BelAmiOnline.

Oct 16, 2020 By Jo 1 Comment

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