Damon Max started his webcam modeling career in 2016. More than four years later, he’s one of the sexiest Latin studs on Flirt4Free.

Exclusive Interview With Flirt4Free Latin Stud Damon Max

With that beautiful face and those hard abs, this dude looks hot as fuck everytime he’s in live gay chat. Now, the 27-year-old is giving juicy details about himself in an exclusive interview. Damon opened up on spreading positive energy in his cam shows, what he’s discovered about himself after four years of camming, and the special relationship he has with fellow cam boy Yanka Max. Damon also has plenty of words of wisdom to share that might make his fans fall even harder for him!

Exclusive Interview With Flirt4Free Latin Stud Damon Max

Why did you choose to be a cam model?

This is a very recurring question that even my friends have asked me and I always answer the same: I decided to be a webcam model at a very difficult moment in my life. Almost nothing was right. I did not have a job and I needed to have my daily sustenance. I needed to find a refuge where I could feel comfortable and try to fix my financial situation. So, one day, the offer arrived and although I had never tried, I took a risk. My Yanka [Max] brother gave me motivation and made me feel sure of myself to do it. A large part of my process and my learning and my motivation, I owe to my younger brother Yanka and of course my family.

What country has the wildest customers?

I think there is a little bit of everything in each country/ I have had the wonderful fortune of meeting beautiful people from all over the world and they all carry a bit of madness so I think they come from all over the world. And I love that!

What do customers usually notice about you first?

I think it is my good energy and my kindness. I always try to have a smile on my face. It would be boring for my users to have a sad day and come to my room and that someone received them without a bit of joy and empathy. I try to transmit only good vibes!

What’s the next thing you plan to add to your room?

I would like to add so many things. If I could, I would have a mansion to transmit from a different room every day and give my users different sensations. For now, I plan to add a bed and a plant to have a bit of nature in our transmission!

What do you love most about being a cam model?

Definitely meeting people daily, talking to them and creating a unique connection. It’s like taking a little bit of every corner of the world every day in my heart.

What were you like before camming?

Before the camera, it was a boring job and a boring life. Always the same routine: you get up, you go to work for 10 or 12 hours, you go home to sleep and repeat the next day. I was kind of like a robot, nothing exciting. My life depended on a boss and what he wanted to do with my time so that I could live!

What are you proudest of?

Definitely my family and then me. But if you ask me about a specific point, then definitely my little Yanka brother. He will never know how proud I am of him because it cannot be measured with words but to see him grow as a person and as a model everyday fills my soul more than anything. He knows what I’m talking about and why I’m saying it!

What languages do you speak?

I think I speak one and a half (laughs). Spanish is my native language and a little English. I hope to be able to perfect my English!

Where do you hope to be five years from now?

I have decided long ago not to plan the future anymore. Life is a Russian roulette and one day you are down and another day up and on the contrary. I only hope to fulfill some dreams and goals in five years. The place where I am does not worry me now. Planning sometimes disappoints us because life takes us in unexpected places!

What are your goals for the rest of 2021?

I plan to take a trip somewhere in Latin America. The rest I will leave to destiny, but I will not stop fighting for my goals!

Craziest place you have had sex?

Mmmm…I have done it high in the mountains of Medellin, Colombia with a beautiful view of the city. But the craziest place has been in a swinger bar where everyone could see the spectacle..

Have you ever gone nude on the beach?

No, I wish I could! But I’ve been naked in rivers, does that count?

Top or bottom?

Vers. Pleasure lover. I don’t care where, up or down, where you want at the moment.

Give oral or receive oral?


Favorite fetishes?

Sex in public.

Favorite sex position?

Missionary and doggy style.

Which style gets the most responses on cam?

My users really like it a lot when I don’t comb my hair [laughs]. They say I look very angelic

What is the highest number of orgasms you’ve had in one session?

Wow…4 times!

When was the first time you felt successful?

The first time I felt successful, it was a work period where everything went wrong, starting my career as a model, and with 3 days left to finish the period I worked too many hours and I managed to recover and exceed my goal,It was an incredible personal improvement!

What do you wish someone would ask you in chat, but nobody does?

About my dreams and life. It’s something no one ever does.

What tips would you suggest for someone else who wants to be a cam superstar?

I would advise you to keep these 4 things very present: discipline, perseverance, patience, and a good charisma. The rest is coming only with these four pillars. You cannot despair and want to make a mountain of money immediately. It would be great, but we must have patience for that. We must also learn to enjoy work and always provide a smile.

What kind of shows do you have coming up?

St. Patrick’s day is always very important to me. I really like to celebrate that day…

How do you stay positive when times get rough?

Good question. When times are difficult, I always think of this phrase I read when I was little: “if things go well, enjoy them because they won’t last forever. If things go wrong, what do you worry about? Nothing is forever.” And that same phrase I give to people who need a word of encouragement. I always think that tomorrow will be better and that life can go from 0 to 100 in a second.

What are your tips for anyone who wants to be as beautiful as you are?

We are all beautiful. Each one has a unique beauty and nobody is better than anyone in any way. You are you and that is what makes you unique and special.

What is the best way to make you laugh?

Talk as much nonsense as you can, be spontaneous, joke, bring out your inner child!

What is the best way to make a dream come true?

Work hard, work while others sleep, strive, think about it daily and attract it until the universe has no choice, but to give it to you. And most importantly, BELIEVE. As I always say, that “someday” always comes. Every time I think about my dreams I always mentally say “someday.” You cannot give up a dream simply for the time it may take to come true, just as time will pass.

How often do you cum when you’re not on camera?

Every time I have a chance!

Ever masturbated in a public place?

In a bar swinger.

What does sexy mean to you?

It means being sure of yourself, knowing that you have attitudes to make your body the best seduction machine.

Best way to give you an orgasm?

Moan and squeeze my ass. Or tie me up with your legs.

How did you become so good at the art of seduction?

I don’t know how good I am, but day by day, I learn a little. The learning process never ends.

Where do you want to go most on your next vacation?

Pedra da Gavea in Rio de Janeiro!

Favorite ice cream flavor?


Favorite movie?

Fast and Furious, complete saga.

Favorite hobbies?

Work out, ride my horse, walk my dog and drink beer with friends.

Favorite superhero?


Favorite body part to work out?

Definitely my abs.

What is your dream car?

DAMN my big dream is a RUBICON someday. I hope! I have a small car in front of my transmission that I see every day and I think that one day I will make it grow so that it stops being a simple toy.

Best way to show affection?

A hug. Sometimes you just need that. In a hug, you can understand much more than words.

How many tattoos do you have?

4- my dog jerjes, a lion, a gorilla and a letter that says humility to never forget my roots.

What is your spirit animal?

The spirit of a lion never gives up, always stays strong and takes care of his family with soul, heart and life.

What is a surprising fact about you?

I am stubborn. What I want, I have to achieve and if I put my eye on a goal, I have to reach it. When I start something, I cannot stop until I finish it. I do not leave room for distractions.

Is there anything else you would like fans to know?

I want you to know that everything I have answered is real and flows from the heart, I am a tireless dreamer, I love my family like nobody else, and I hope that we all overcome this difficult time due to the pandemic. Do not give up, fight for what you want. I hope that one day we will all achieve it! Kisses and hugs to all who want to know me a little more!

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Feb 20, 2021 2 Comments