Feisty New Boxer’s Naked Weigh-In at CMNM.net

Feisty New Boxer’s Naked Weigh-In at CMNM.net

At CMNM.net, this new boxer is already daydreaming about becoming a world class boxer with all the wealth and fame that comes with it. He’s so consumed with living out this fantasy that being weighed in for qualification seems like a trivial task. He soon finds that not meeting the weight requirements could mean all his aspirations quickly go down the drain. He’s also aware that any images of his nudity now will haunt him for the rest of his career, but coach Dave is prepared to make him do whatever it takes to get his boy fighting in the championship!

Feisty New Boxer’s Naked Weigh-In at CMNM.net

See more at CMNM.net.

Mar 19, 2021 By Dave 4 Comments