Carnal+ | Masonic Boys: Apprentice Basinger – Chapter 1: The Interview

Carnal+ | Masonic Boys: Apprentice Basinger - Chapter 1: The Interview

Apprentice Basinger sat expectantly, wondering with intense anticipation what Grandmaster Wolf would ask him. Entrance into the Masonic Order wasn’t guaranteed, and Basinger knew that it would require more than just a sunny smile and a charming personality.

The questions started simple at first. Information about school and sports and activities fell out of Basinger’s mouth like they were pre-recorded, set to auto-response from a lifetime of regurgitating the facts and details of what made him stand out amongst his peers.

Carnal+ | Masonic Boys: Apprentice Basinger - Chapter 1: The Interview

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Nov 09, 2021 By Dave 1 Comment

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