Carnal+ | Masonic Boys: Maxx Monroe and Matthew Figata – The Calling

Carnal+ | Masonic Boys: Maxx Monroe and Matthew Figata - The Calling

In the quiet, air conditioned hiss of the Masonic Boys ofice, Master Matthew Figata asked Apprentice Maxx Monroe whether or not he was attracted to men. It wasn’t the first time Maxx had been asked such a question—Master Kamp had also posed this inquiry to the boy in his initial interview with The Order.

Regardless of language, and regardless of his choice of words, the magnetism of his body towards Figata’s grip was as clear a response as any. The boy’s lips parted in thankful release as the master stripped him of his belt, pants, and worries.

Carnal+ | Masonic Boys: Maxx Monroe and Matthew Figata - The Calling

Apprentice Monroe found fondness in being stripped by men… undeniable fondness. He dreamed of being touched, stroked, kissed… and not just by any man, but by a man of power, and reverence. A man exactly like Master Figata. Chiseled on the master’s face was the legacy and knowledge of the Order, and with it carried the kind of heat that Monroe melted, and wanted to melt, under.

Master Figata’s gentle but firm hands pushed his all-but-willing apprentice across the office table. He gripped Apprentice Monroe’s rear in his palms. The boy moaned as his pale cheeks were spread apart. Figata’s tongue darted in and out of his ass, and weakened him.

See more at Masonic Boys or on Carnal+.

Sep 20, 2022 By Dave 1 Comment

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