Lucas Entertainment: Lobo Carreira and Kosta Viking Fuck

Lucas Entertainment: Lobo Carreira and Kosta Viking Fuck

New on LucasEntertainment: There’s no stopping Kosta Viking and Lobo Carreira from sucking and fucking each other bareback when they both whip their dicks out!

Lucas Entertainment: Lobo Carreira and Kosta Viking Fuck

Lobo Carreira has always been known for his impeccable style, and he has worn suits for many years. He’s successfully navigated a variety of business environments, and each time he does so, he wins.

That is in the course of regular business hours. However, for someone like Lobo Carreira, work never ends. Even after the office drones clock out and go home, he remains to “mentor” those who are deserving of his time.

Kosta Viking has been fighting for Lobo Carreira’s attention for a considerable amount of time. After all this time, Lobo finally gets Kosta Viking to work on his cock.

Visit LucasEntertainment to view the video and additional images of Kosta and Lobo.

Oct 20, 2023 By Jo Write a comment!

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