ASGMax | Disruptive Films: Liam Hunt and Sumner Blayne – Capitalize On It

ASGMax | Disruptive Films: Liam Hunt and Sumner Blayne - Capitalize On It
ASGMax | Disruptive Films: Liam Hunt and Sumner Blayne - Capitalize On It

New on Disruptive Films, an ASGMax site: It’s Jimmy Long’s (Sumner Blayne) first time working in sex. He desires a page on which he flaunts his body and engages in masturbation. Wes Hill (Liam Hunt), his roommate, has experience in the sex industry and understands that going for the big score is the best way to generate money.

Though he’s willing to lend a hand to his friend, is this more than Jimmy can or should take on?

ASGMax | Disruptive Films: Liam Hunt and Sumner Blayne - Capitalize On It

See more of Liam and Sumner on Disruptive Films and ASGMax.

May 03, 2024 By Dave Write a comment!

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