Sean Cody: Jessie and Liev Bareback

Sean Cody: Jessie and Liev Bareback
“The last time you were here,” Sean Cody said to Jessie, “I remember you really dumped a load!
“Yes,” he replied. “Every time I cum, it is a lot!
Liev raised an eyebrow and smiled. He was intrigued.

Sean Cody: Jessie and Liev Bareback
Jessie was really shy during his first visit. He didn’t say much then. But now that he was sitting there with Liev, he became much more talkative.
He is cute!” Jessie said, looking directly at Liev. “When I found out that I was going to be doing it with him I was very excited. I looked at all of his work.”
Sean Cody: Jessie and Liev Bareback
His work?” SC asked.
“On the site,” he replied. “It’s pretty awesome.
Of course, Liev was grinning ear-to-ear. He was looking forward to this too.
Sean Cody: Jessie and Liev Bareback
“Wow,” Jessie said after getting fucked for a few minutes by Liev. “I was not expecting that!
“Is it OK?” Liev asked.
“Oh my god, yes,” Jessie said. “It’s so long… nothing has ever been so deep before!
Liev laughed. “It feels good… I’m not taking it out!

Jun 18, 2012 By Ken 2 Comments

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