Profile Picture AstroBoi Selaby

AstroBoi Selaby

There are 4 posts for AstroBoi Selaby, the oldest from October 10, 2009.

Bentley Race: Astroboi (2)

bentleyrace astroboi
The biggest attraction for Bentley during his visit to Barcelona had to be all the big cocks! It was hard not to notice the bulges in guys pants as they walked down the streets. If you’ve got it why not flaunt it! Bentley met a few guys to shoot with while he was there including super sexy Astroboi. Yes that’s his name! And it’s a pretty wild boy too! Standing out on the first floor balcony on a busy street and pulling out his huge cock! Astroboi had been out all night clubbing and was very horny by the time he dropped around.

09 Dec 09 By ryu 8 Comments