Profile Picture Beaux Morgan

Beaux Morgan

There are 3 posts for Beaux Morgan, the oldest from October 10, 2020.

Trailer Trash Boys: Beaux Morgan and Johnny Ford – Hole in One

Trailer Trash Boys: Beaux Morgan and Johnny Ford - Hole in One

New on Trailer Trash Boys: Playing with balls is something that all of us enjoy doing, and Johnny Ford is no different. He’s working on his swing in hopes of landing a caddy position at the upscale golf course located across the highway.

Regardless, Beaux Morgan is an awkward guy, and after he destroyed Johnny’s hole, Johnny had to perform a 180-degree turn and destroy Beaux’s hole as well.
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04 Feb 24 By Dave Write a comment!

Trailer Trash Boys: Beaux Morgan and Chris Damned

Living at the trailer park we have a lot going on… some guys working, some guys just lazing around in the sun, some waking up early and guys like Chris who works all night and sleeps most of the day. This monrnin’ he woke up with a semi boner and had to piss… and don’t ya know the new guy Beaux was wanting to take a smoke break.

Continue with “Trailer Trash Boys: Beaux Morgan and Chris Damned”

04 Oct 20 By Dave 2 Comments