Profile Picture Brock Traynor

Brock Traynor

There are 3 posts for Brock Traynor, the oldest from January 1, 2010.

Randy Blue: Brock Traynor

Randy Blue: Brock Traynor

As the body spends hours and hours at the gym lifting weights and following a strict regiment of exercise it gets bigger, stronger and more defined. Muscles grow as the body takes on the appearance of a greek sculpture. Brock Traynor is no stranger to the gym. He’s spent a long time honing his body into a strong, muscular work of art. He started out as a street fighter, using his body as a well oiled machine. But he soon found out that it was the working out and the building of muscle that was his biggest interest and he got more into bodybuilding.

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19 Jan 10 By Ken 17 Comments