Profile Picture Canelo (RawHole)

Canelo (RawHole)

There is 1 post for Canelo (RawHole), the oldest from July 7, 2023.

Raw Hole: Canelo

Raw Hole: Canelo

Canelo in Spanish is the masculine word for cinnamon, and here Canelo is a spicy 20-year old Latino model with a preference for playing booty poke. He’s solo for this session with the camera, jerking his big uncut meat, but with all the tugging and prodding his hairy butthole, it’s easy to see he’d be up for some deep penetrating anal action on Raw Hole.

He’s fun to watch, especially when he’s satisfying his needs with two hands, one for tugging his foreskin and yanking his doodle, the other for opening his pucker and running a curious finger around and just inside.
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27 Jul 23 By Dave Write a comment!